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Tech Netherlands Advocates (TNLA) – Tech For Net Zero initiatives

In the lead up to COP26 we wanted to share some highlights from the lowlands…

Coldplay Music of The Spheres World Tour

We were delighted to facilitate support for GTA’s Tech For Net Zero, with a number of Dutch companies working on the tour’s sustainability plans.

“Sustainable clean and greentech solutions are at the heart of the new tour and we are working with various organisations from The Netherlands such as; The Ocean Cleanup, ZAP Concepts, Energy Floors and Wattsun to reduce pollution and CO2 emissions.”

–       Luke Howell MSI CEnv FIEMA, Music Of The Spheres World Tour Sustainability Advisor


Upstream Festival 2021 saw 40+ events with over 2,000 attendees in The Stadshaven Brouwerij  – we hope to welcome the GTA community in 2022!

Upstream connects changemakers who drive the transition to a digital, carbon neutral, circular and inclusive economy.  Entrepreneurs, investors and bold corporates are invited to share, connect and create meaningful innovations for sustainable growth,

TNLA were part of the Superconnectors, connecting Founders of sustainable and clean tech startups to contacts that can help them advance.

The TNLA got competitive and made a podium position for most connections made, flying the flag for the power of the GTA network but mostly for the Stadshaven Brouwerij beer rewards.


Featured on the GTA Tech For Net Zero hub, big news from Hardt Hyperloop…

The European Innovation Council has awarded Hardt Hyperloop with €15M as Brussels’ first-ever hyperloop investment package.

The funding from the @EUeic will accelerate the development of a fast and cost-effective, pan-European, emission-free hyperloop network to supplement cars, trains, and planes, and decarbonize mobility.

It also enables the realization of the European Hyperloop Center, to achieve its first test in 2023.

Public sector leadership is essential for the hyperloop to become reality. This endorsement from the European Commission is a great acknowledgment for the hyperloop as a sustainable alternative for transportation, and will therefore be a tremendous accelerator to help secure additional backing and support from local and national governments across Europe and beyond.

Onwards with creating a highly connected and sustainable world with the hyperloop!

➡️ Learn more about it here:


Sustainability is a key feature of Digital Wednesday of Dutch Design Week this week.

You can join Jana van den Bergen, Innovation Associate at Fashion For Good and Co-founder COMN Amsterdam talking about all the work they do at Fashion for Good and how digital innovations can make the fashion supply chain more sustainable.

Meet Jana this Wednesday in Eindhoven (or online) at the Dutch Design Week edition of Digital Wednesday.

Get your free ticket below:


Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) finds floating home in Rotterdam.

The City of Rotterdam welcomed the largest floating office building in the world, The Floating Office (FOR) located in the Rijnhaven.  With climate change and rising sea levels, this is the building of the future.

FOR Architect Nanne de Ru, responsible for this masterpiece of this floating building of 3,700 m2 said:  “We have a tide in the Rijnhaven.  This means that the water here rises and falls 2 meters every day.  The Floating Office is unique in the world; it is very durable, buoyant and built entirely of wood. On the roof is 900 m2 of solar panels and there is a herb garden that attracts all kinds of animals. The building is completely self-sufficient and circular. So the building can also be dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere.”

GCA is the NGO chaired by Ban Ki-moon which promotes planning, investment, and technology to mitigate climate change.  This is an international think tank for climate issues and an initiative of various countries and the World Bank.


We give a warm welcome to the new Tech Netherlands Advocate Director; Andre Damian from Utrecht.

A World Economic Forum Global Shaper, Andre spent 4.5 years with The Collective Foundation in London, where he worked to support 40+ social ventures impacting 700,000 people every year across five continents.

Andre will be heading up all activities alongside TNLA board; Esther O’Callaghan with Maurice Bakker (Innovation Quarter), Ohad Gilad (Keadyn, 42Workspace – Rotterdam’s dedicated tech co-working space and TNLA home), Lisette Brackenburg, (Up!Rotterdam, Upstream Festival)

“I’m looking forward to making a meaningful contribution to the Dutch tech space. I’m excited to work with Esther, Maurice, Ohad, Lisette and the growing TNLA Advocate community to make some waves in The Netherlands and beyond” – Andre

True to form, the TNLA team were out making literal waves at the boat party hosted by TechLeap Amsterdam Dance Event with Dutch Tech Envoy; Prins Constantijn Van Oranje.

Esther was warming up for DJ/producer; Olivier Weiter.


As the world slowly opens up, everyone at TNLA is looking forward to welcoming the GTA community to the unofficially titled ‘Dutch Tech Party Advocates’ (sorry Russ!)

Seriously, so overdue to see everyone IRL!